This project is part funded through the Northern Ireland European Social Fund Programme 2014 – 2020 and the Department for the Economy. Skills North West is match funded with assistance from Derry City and Strabane District Council.

Available Courses

See below a list of available courses available for Agriculture / Horticulture.

Business Administration

The OCN NI Level 1 Award in Business Administration is designed to provide learners with the necessary basic skills and knowledge to work within a business administration role.

It provides an introduction in a range of subjects including office administrator skills, communication, teamwork and customer service. Learners must achieve 6 credits.

Introduction to Environmental Awareness

This course provides learners with an understanding of the impact of our daily life on the environment.


Prepare soil for growing, water beds and cultivate land.

Level 1 - City & Guilds accredited

Using Equipment Safely

Bespoke Programme - Greater awareness of the safe use of machinery in line with health and safety regulations industry standards and manufacturers’ specifications.

Farm First Aid

Managing severe bleeding sustained with cutting tools such as chainsaws, Treatment of amputations, Crush injuries and Casualties suffering from extremes of heat and cold This course provides trainees with the skills to preserve life until help arrives.

Delegates will have the necessary skills to be prepared for Medical Emergencies. The course content is flexible taking into account the needs of the students at all times.

Farm Health and Safety

Slurry risks, animal handling, falls, working at height and working with equipment machinery. Additionally, exploring other key risk areas such as the safety of the young and the elderly when on farms.

The training will prepare the attendee to undertake a Farm Health and Safety review and raise awareness of the ‘Making it Safer’ tool, when operating or working on the farm. about getting them back to work and keeping them safe.

Farm Health and Safety

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