- "It was a great course and covered a lot of relevant and important information."
- "Good information but quite drawn out. Could have been done a lot quicker."
- "The quality of the training material was excellent and the trainer was very engaging."
- "It couldn’t have come at a better time, I am not working at moment and needed to fill the void."
- The information was very interesting and delivered well it met my expectations."
- "The course was very informative and interesting. I feel I have learnt a lot, for example, how to know if someone is at harm and how to help them. Also, to act not delay in any doubt."
- "yeah, I enjoyed the online line training, it gave me a clearer picture of my boundaries of the level 2 qualifications."
- "I found David very engaging....he used real life situations/examples which made it more relatable and kept you interested."
- "It is good to know what a MH First Aider is and expectations and limitations of the role and the responsibility of self care. Trainer was very knowledgeable and able to link different elements together."
- "Hi, just a wee email to say the mindfulness course today was excellent learnt so much, which will benefit me in my personal life and also in my work life as I will be able to pass this information on to parents."
- "Brilliant course, very informative but without being too heavy as to overwhelm you. Very interesting and will be very beneficial to myself in the workplace and in s voluntary capacity."
- "Our tutor was very good at explaining all that we covered. Yvonne made you feel relaxed she was great."
- "Participated in an online Paediatric First Aid course and it was very very educational and very informational."
- "I really enjoyed the training online."
- "I enjoyed the training although it would have been better in person but I understand the constraints of Covid-19 has put on all of us."